Does your darkness define you?

Someone very wise once said to me, “I’m not afraid of darkness because I understand it”.

Darkness can be our greatest teacher. It is often through heavy moments in life or periods of darkness that we define ourselves.

Have you ever let a challenging or heartbreaking moment of pain, grief, or loss rule every emotion and ounce of your being? Have you spent weeks, months, or even years stuck in that same emotion?

This is what I call letting moments of darkness define you. In moments of intense emotional upheaval, it is pivotal to know how to process and release those feelings. If we don’t, we tend to hold onto those feelings and sometimes for a lifetime. This usually happens because the emotions tied to that event are the last shreds of evidence that we have to keep that experience or person in our life.

So if you find yourself clinging to those emotions, could it be that there is a part of you that is still clinging onto the emotional experience of that person or situation? Those very emotions is what is keeping the memory of that experience or person alive in your present.

It is time for a reality check.

The longer we hold on to the heavy emotions of the past, the more we let those emotions define us. The longer this continues, the more likely we are to become addicted to those emotions. The longer we are addicted to those emotions, the more they come to define every aspect of our existence and how we show up in the world.

You can’t fully move into the bright future that you are worthy of until you release whatever darkness is lurking in the depths of your being.

It is in this pivotal moment in time that I invite you to take a step into the unknown and do the work to start to release those emotions.

This is your sign to start to release whatever darkness or heavy emotions that you are addicted to. Those emotions are not you and they do not define you. So it’s time to stop letting them define you.

The first step to any pivotal change is bringing awareness in and I hope to have shed some light into your darkness today.

Remember the depth of darkness you are able to experience is equal to the level of light you are capable of.

It is time to let the light in.

If you are looking for support and specific ways to release old emotional patterns and ways of being, book a 1:1 session and I would love to support you wherever you find yourself on your journey.


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