Understanding the Difference Between Ego and Intuition

Learning how to decipher the difference between your intuition and your ego will literally change your life.

This is something that I seriously wish was taught in school because it is one of the most fundamental skills to learn so we can live an empowered soul-led life and make choices that are in alignment with our highest good. Aka the path of least resistance.

It is can be SO easy to get lost in the sauce in our fast-paced modern world which ultimately distracts us from understanding our intuition and our own personal needs/wants/desires.

Truly understanding the difference between your ego and your intuition is one of the most valuable skills that you can learn - that can potentially save you a lot of time and lessons!

The ego is often driven by fear, anxiety, or insecurity. It usually aims to “make us feel better” hence stroking our ego or to “keep us safe” which keeps us in familiar situations out of fear of the unknown. Ultimately the ego isn’t operating out of a space for our highest good but out of lack, fear, a false sense of security, or needing to prove oneself.

Alternatively, your intuition will guide you. It is a guiding light. Feeling like a little nudge leading you to your most aligned path. Our intuition doesn’t always make sense at the time we receive the intuitive guidance. For example, suddenly feeling like you need to take a different route home later to realize you avoided an accident. Or feeling like you need to move or travel to a specific part of the world without really understanding why, only to meet your life partner there. It is these little beautiful nudges that align us to the right path.

Our intuition also gives us little warnings or intuitive nudges if a person, place, or situation is right or wrong for us.

So how can you tell the difference between your ego versus your intuition when the ego is so pervasive in modern society?

The answer is simple.

The easiest way to determine the difference between the ego and your intuition is where it is located in the body.

Simply ask your body where your intuition is - you may suddenly feel a sensation in your stomach or perhaps your heart center. It will be different for everyone. Even though there is the saying “trust your gut”, which ultimately references your intuition, you actually may feel your intuition in a difference place in the body because everyone is unique.

For example, when I get intuitive downloads my nose itches. Super weird and specific to me. So it could be your wrists or another part of the body that is unique to you.

Now ask your body where anxiety/fear is located in the body and start to take notice of the difference. Anxiety/fear-based decisions are often made by the ego and will show up in a difference place in the body - it could be your head or perhaps your chest. It will be different for everyone AND it is so important to remember that anxiety is NOT intuition.

Take this as your sign to spend some time getting in touch with your body and learn what part of the body is most connected to your intuition and which part is most connected to your ego. This is an incredible place to start on the journey to strengthening and empowering your intuition.

So the next time life presents you with a choice - which we make many of on any given day. You can start to make an informed decision if it is coming from your ego or from your intuition and respond accordingly.

Allowing your intuition to be your guiding light is truly one of the most powerful ways to live your most aligned and magical life on your highest available timeline (with the least amount of “difficult” lessons).

If you are looking for more intuition practices and ways to connect into and strengthen your intuition, I have a POWERFUL Master Class as part of my Expansion Program on How to Tap Into & Strengthen Your Intuition. This is only available for the Expansion Community - a beautiful and nourishing online space with hours of life changing master classes on everything under the sun and moon for your spiritual growth journey.

I can’t wait to share all the juicy and powerful tools to bring you closer to and strengthen your intuition.

Ps did you find where you intuition is located today?


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