Toxic Relationships Make You Ugly

We’ve all seen it—a person completely drained by a relationship. Maybe it was you, someone you knew, or someone you passed on the street.

Just by looking at them, you can tell. The light within them is gone, leaving only a shell of the person they once were. The dark circles under their eyes, the drained expression, the glazed-over look—all of it screams "toxic relationship."

Our relationships truly make or break us. Especially for women, relationships can either be a safe and supportive space—when a healthy masculine presence creates a structure for emotional support and safety—or they can drain your divine feminine energy with every interaction, playing emotional games, creating turmoil, and ultimately sucking every ounce of your life force energy.

We don't always choose who we love, but we can decide if that love is healthy for us and decide to leave.

You can often tell by looking at someone’s face whether they are thriving or merely surviving, and relationships play a significant role in this.

There is the classic saying that “it’s important to be mindful of the three closest people in your life because their energy affects you”. If they are a mess, your life can become a mess too. Energy is contagious.

The longer you allow someone to drain your life force energy by engaging with them (which, by the way, is the biggest universal sign they are NOT for you), the more it actually affects every essence of your being.

Stress over long periods causes premature aging and a myriad of health issues.

Your choice in a partner is one of the biggest life decisions you can make and the biggest indicator of your self-worth.

Every woman knows when she’s being energetically depleted by her relationships, and it shows up physically.

Conversely, a woman’s energy radiates differently when she’s being healthily loved.

The difference is visible, and it’s a reflection of the love you accept and it’s written all over your face.


Everything is a Mirror


Does your darkness define you?