Seed the Light Spiritual Column

Unedited. Unfiltered. Stream of Consciousness.

Spirituality, Surrender, Detachment Teale Eschliman Spirituality, Surrender, Detachment Teale Eschliman

Learning How to Surrender

In order to surrender we have to release attachment to the outcomes.

The biggest lesson that I am learning right now is how to surrender.

This is WAY easier said than done. I actually don’t know anyone that truly knows how to surrender. Let alone have actually mastered the art of surrendering.

How many times do we try to force outcomes because we have a self-created timeline in our head? 

We live in a world that is so immediate. We want everything instantly. Money, love, success, the job, the promotion, a certain career, or even fame. 

When we don’t receive our desire instantly or we don’t receive it on the timeline that we want, we face disappointment. Didn’t get the person you wanted in love or didn’t get the job or career you wanted? Internal sadness creeps in.

Whatever it may be, it can be so challenging not to focus on the disappointment around not receiving what you long for.

The reality is, the second we shift the focus from longing (which stems from lack) to surrender, is when we make space for what we are looking and what is truly meant for us to arrive.

In order to surrender we have to release the attachment to the outcome.

How do you do this?

Truly surrendering comes down to having complete trust and faith in something unknown and greater than ourselves, as if we are simply falling into the divine plan of what we’re supposed to be doing. The art of surrendering is having complete trust and faith in the universe. That everything is lining up for you and that something even better is on its way and in its own time.

Sometimes learning to surrender can feel so challenging because the ego is learning one of it’s hardest lessons, how to stop controlling the whole universe. 

So how can you stop trying to control every aspect of your life and start to practice the art of surrender?

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